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Restaraunts Care Resilience Fund

This grant is provided by Restaurants Care Powered by SoCalGas, PG&E and SDG&E

  • Grant Amount

  • Open date

    October 25, 2023
  • Application Deadline

    November 8, 2023

About This Grant

Grants to California restaurants to address urgent needs. Eligible emergencies include natural disasters, vandalism, fires, floods, or robberies. Funds may be used for equipment replacement, employee training, and technology upgrades. Additional consideration is given to restaurants owned by women and people of color.

Restaurants are invited to apply for funds to build resilience – technology upgrades, equipment upgrades, employee training/retention, and unforeseen hardship.

How You Can Use the Funds

  • Kitchen equipment
  • Technology upgrades
  • Employee training and bonuses
  • Employee training and bonuses
  • Unforeseen hardship

Documents Required

  • Create an online account on the California Restaurant Foundation Scholarship and Grant Application Site
  • Fill out the online form

Eligibility Requirements

  • Restaurants located in CA owned by a CA resident
  • Independent restaurants (not part of a large chain or franchise) (1-5 units)
  • Under $3 million in annual revenue (combined revenue for all units/concepts)
  • Have been open for at least one full year
  • All restaurants that meet the above criteria are eligible and encouraged to apply, additional consideration is given to restaurants owned by women and people of color
  • If you received a grant from the Resilience Fund in 2021 or 2022, you are eligbile to apply this year. Howeer, priority will be given to those who have not received funding from us in the past.
  • Note: members of the STATE boards of the California Restaurant Association and California Restaurant Foundation are not eligible.
  • Food trucks are NOT eligible for the general fall application cycle Oct. 25 - Nov. 8. This has to do with restrictions on donations we receive.

More Details. Apply Here.

Microenterprise Collaborative is non-affiliated with this grant.