Small business assistance
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RivCo Small Business Thrive Program

This grant is provided by Riverside County

  • Grant Amount

    Up to $5K

About This Grant

To assist entrepreneurs in launching a business and support businesses that are continuing to struggle with the negative economic impacts of the pandemic, the Riverside County Office of Economic Development and the Orange County Inland Empire Small Business Development (OCIE SBDC) are partnering to provide technical and financial assistance to county constituents and businesses.

The RivCo Small Business Thrive Program (Thrive Program) is an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Economic Recovery program providing grants of $1,500, $2,500, and $5,000 to assist county entrepreneurs in launching small businesses and business owners in expanding their existing operations. The grant is available to qualifying individuals and businesses that meet all eligibility criteria and complete a small business training program have one-on-one consulting provided by the Orange County Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (OCIE SBDC) and attend a Financial Literacy webinar provided by AmPac Business Capital.


  • Grants are subject to fund availability, and while there is a discrete amount set aside for Riverside County entrepreneurs, the funds are finite and may be allocated before everyone that enrolls completes the required steps. Enrollment does not guarantee access to funds.
  • Additional screening steps may exist to verify identity (but not citizenship) to prevent fraud and abuse.
  • Individual grant funding amounts are predetermined and not subject to decision or revision by the OCIE SBDC SBDC Network or its partners.
  • Additional terms and conditions apply.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Business must be located in the County of Riverside
  • Business registration must have occurred on or after July 1st, 2022, for Start-Up businesses.
  • Must complete a County of Riverside-approved OCIE SBDC training program
  • Must attend one-on-one consulting with an OCIE SBDC Consultant
  • For Start Up’s must receive appropriate licenses and permits to start the business in the County of Riverside
  • Complete RivCo Small Business Thrive Program Approved business plan
  • For Start Up’s, must have a “qualifying event” that starts the business (see website for the list of events to quality)
  • For existing businesses; must be a business with 5 FTE employees or less and $1 million or less in annual receipts.
  • For existing businesses; must be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations and licensing requirements.
  • Must attend a “Financial Literacy” webinar through AmPac (After completing the training program and has begun one-on-one consulting)
  • Receive and complete Grant application (will receive link from OCIE SBDC, when all above items completed)
  • Must agree to complete required surveys
  • Must not be a current or former (within the last 18 months) staff or immediate family of an OCIE SBDC Network staff or consultant
  • Must not have received a grant from the California Dream Fund or another similar program – only one grant per entity and person is allowed.
  • Businesses must certify under penalty of perjury that they will use funds according to eligible uses.