California Nonprofit Performing Arts Grant Program
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The California Nonprofit Performing Arts Grant Program is funded by the State of California and administered by the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA). Eligibility criteria apply.
Program Overview
The purpose of the California Nonprofit Performing Arts Grant Program was to provide grants to eligible nonprofit performing arts organizations (see Definitions) to encourage workforce development. The Program includes $49,500,000.00 to be allocated in one or more rounds to eligible nonprofit performing arts organizations that meet certain criteria.
The Program requires these grants to be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis in specified amounts depending on the applicant’s annual gross revenue in the 2019 taxable year.
Definitions that pertain to this Program are provided below.
1. “Eligible nonprofit performing arts organization” means a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity that satisfies the criteria for a qualified small business pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 12100.82, with no more than two million dollars ($2,000,000) in annual gross revenue. An eligible nonprofit may be in one of the following North American Industry Classification System codes, as reported on the entity’s tax return:
- 711110 – Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters;
- 711120 – Dance Companies;
- 711130 – Musical Groups and Artists; or
- 711190 – Other Performing Arts Companies.
Grant Awards
Grants amounts will be awarded based on the annual gross revenue of the eligible nonprofit performing arts organization, or in the case of a fiscal sponsor, such sponsor’s eligible, fiscally-sponsored qualified nonprofit performing arts organizations.